p4.11f Ομαδική Εργασία: Συμβουλευτική Υπαλλήλων με Θέματα Ψυχικής Υγείας

This is a group task for a team of three to six participants.

You have 30 minutes

Consider the following situation:

The City Council of Gopher Prairie has employed your agency, MainstreetHR, to help them modernise their personnel development as they find it difficult to retain staff in a provincial municipality. While you are working on  the team advising on how to reorganise training and development to make the Council more attractive as an employer, the administrator responsible for the local library services, Carol M., reveals to you that she herself is thinking about leaving as she complains about the stifling atmosphere of both organisation and town. You have agreed on providing career counselling for her, which City Council is happy to pay for as coaching, hoping she may discover options within the Council as they very much would like to retain her. In session she reveals to you that in fact, she has been diagnosed with depression. She has not talked to her colleagues and manager as she was apprehensive about how they would react.

 Based on your readings, develop a strategy to enable Carol to continue working for the Council. 

What needs to be considered? 

Who do you need to get on board? 

What actions should be taken by the various parties involved (including Carol and you)? 

Write down your result as a short fictional case study of how Carol was able to continue working for her current employer with some adjustments. 

Present your results in class.

(Al momento in questo forum non sono presenti argomenti di discussione)