Grupa 2: Primeri uspešnih aktivnosti korporativne društvene odgovornosti

Informal exchange of experience:

Is my organization already engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities? Is there a CSR strategy in my organization?

·        If yes: Which kind of activities are these? In which fields (charitable actions, donation campaigns, environment protection, inclusion of disadvantaged people, support of migrants etc.)? Who are involved in the CSR activities and strategy development?

·        If not (yet): What is your attitude towards CSR?

What are the motives for my organization to engage/not to engage in CSR?

·        Intrinsic or extrinsic motives? Describe some of the motives.

·        Which might be obstacles for engaging in CSR?


Reporting best practice examples:

·        Which CSR examples from my organization may be assessed as good or best practice?

·        How can we document these examples on our flip chart?


Poster exhibition

·        Present your results to the other groups

·        Discuss them with the members of the other groups

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