p1.3.4f Predlog dodatne literature

1.       Balliester, T., & Elsheikhi, A. (2018). The future of work: a literature review. ILO Research Department Working Paper29.

2.       Bergmo-Prvulovic, I. (2017). Demographic changes and the need for later career opportunities. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów18, 187-206.

3.       Blustein, D. L., Kenny, M. E., Di Fabio, A., & Guichard, J. (2019). Expanding the impact of the psychology of working: Engaging psychology in the struggle for decent work and human rights. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(1), 3-28.

4.       Cedefop; European Commission; ETF; ICCDPP; ILO; OECD; UNESCO (2020). Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic: results of a joint international survey – June to August 2020. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/318103

5.       Di Fabio, A., & Bucci, O. (2016). Green positive guidance and green positive life counseling for decent work and decent lives: Some empirical results. Frontiers in psychology7, 261.

6.       Duffy, R. D., Blustein, D. L., Diemer, M. A., & Autin, K. L. (2016). The psychology of working theory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 127-148.

7.       Herr, E. L., & Shahnasarian, M. (2001). Selected milestones in the evolution of career development practices in the twentieth century. The Career Development Quarterly49(3), 225-232.

8.       Hirschi, A. (2018). The fourth industrial revolution: Issues and implications for career research and practice. The career development quarterly66(3), 192-204.

9.       International Labour Office & Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2018). Approaches to anticipating skills for the future of work: report prepared by the ILO and OECD for the G20 Employment Working Group, available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---inst/documents/publication/wcms_646143.pdf.

10.   International Labour Organisation (ILO). (2013). Decent work indicators. Geneva: ILO.

11.   Lent, R. W. (2018). Future of work in the digital world: Preparing for instability and opportunity. The Career Development Quarterly66(3), 205-219.

12.   Montt, G., Fraga, F., & Harsdorff, M. (2018). The future of work in a changing natural environment: Climate change, degradation and sustainability. ILO Research Paper Series, Geneva: International Labour Office.

13.   Plant, P. (2020). Paradigms under Pressure: Green Guidance. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance1(1).

14.   Santana, M., & Cobo, M. J. (2020). What is the future of work? A science mapping analysis. European Management Journal38(6), 846-862.

Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2022, 8:50 AM