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Тренутно приступате као гост (
CONNECT! cursus voor Hbo-studenten
UNIT 1: Veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt
UNIT 2: Innovatieve concepten voor loopbaanontwikkeling in organisaties
UNIT 3: Recente theoretische en methodische inzichten voor loopbaanontwikkeling in een organisatiecontext
UNIT 4: De relatie tussen loopbaanontwikkeling voor werkenden en de organisatiecontext
UNIT 5: Organisatie-ontwikkeling
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The CONNECT! Higher Education Course for students (NL)
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UNIT 4: De relatie tussen loopbaanontwikkeling voor werkenden en de organisatiecontext
Groepsopdracht groep B: Counselling Older Employees (4.2.2f)
Groepsopdracht groep B: Counselling Older Employees (4.2.2f)
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4.2.2f Group task B_Counselling older employees.pdf
за приказ датотеке.
◄ Groepsopdracht groep A: Counselling Low-Skill Workers (4.2.1f)
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Docentenhandleiding (EN)
Cursusoverzicht (1.1.1p)
Veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt (1.1.2p)
The future of work: a literature review. ILO Research Department Working Paper (1.1.1m)
Video: Overview of impact of demographic change on Europe (1.1.1v)
Video: The 5 mega-trends you should know about (World Economic Forum) (1.1.2v)
Video: The future of work after COVID-19 (1.1.3v)
Literatuur: artikelen voor groepwerk
Instructie groepsopdracht (1.1.1f)
Huiswerkinstructie (1.1.2.f.)
Video: World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2020 (1.1.4v)
Video: The Future of Work - an international perspective by Paolo Falco, OECD (1.1.5v)
Reflectie formulier (1.1.2ef)
Kennistoets (1.1.1ef): multiple-choice vragen
Inleiding bijeenkomst 2 (1.2.1p)
Methoden voor arbeidsmarktprognoses (1.2.2p)
Approaches to anticipating skills for the future of work (1.2.1m)
Video: USU Libraries, Source evaluation (1.2.1v)
Discussie: voor- en nadelen van verschilende methoden (1.2.1f) (1.2.1f)
Instructie groepsopdracht (1.2.2f)
Huiswerkinstructie (1.2.3f)
Reflectie formulier (1.2.2ef)
Kennistoets (1.2.1ef)
Kennisvragen (1.2.1ef)
Inleiding Bijeenkomst 3 (1.3.1p)
Arbeidsmarktveranderingen en arbeidsmarktinformatie (1.3.2p)
The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Issues and Implications for Career Research and Practice (1.3.1m)
Future of work in the digital world - Preparing for Instability and Opportunity (1.3.2m)
Demographic changes and the need for later career opportunities (1.3.3m)
Green Positive Guidance and Green Positive Life Counselling for Decent Work (1.3.4m)
Instructie groepsopdracht (1.3.1f)
Instructie groepsopdracht (1.3.2f)
Huiswerkinstructie (1.3.3.f)
Reflectie formulier (1.3.2.ef)
Kennistoets (1.3.1ef)
Kennisvragen (1.3.1ef)
Introductie Unit 2 (2.1.1p)
Bijeenkomst 1: Het belang van individualisering van HRD (2.1.2p)
Introductie van Unit 2 (2.1.1m)
The Learning organisation (2.1.2m )
Multigenerational staff - generation's value systems (2.1.3m)
Professional Life Cycle oriented personnel development (2.1.4m)
Autonomous Learning in the workplace (2.1.5m)
Learning in Organisations (2.1.6m)
Aanbevolen literatuur (2.1.7m)
Groepsopdracht: Categories of autonomous learning. Collection of examples (2.1.1f)
Huiswerkinstructie (2.1.2f)
Reflectie formulier (2.1.2ef)
Kennistoets (2.1.1f)
Kennisvragen (2.1.1ef)
Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (2.2.1p)
Introduction to CSR (2.2.1m)
Definition of CSR and conceptual framework (2.2.2m)
Motivation for CSR (2.2.3m)
Role of HRM in CSR
Global and EU principles and guidelines for CSR (2.2.5m)
The world best CSR examples (2.2.6m)
List of relevant literature (2.2.7m)
Groepsopdracht: International examples of CSR (2.2.2f )
CSR in SME - experience and critical reflection (2.2.3f)
Reflectie formulier (2.2.2ef )
Kennistoets (2.2.1ef)
Kennisvragen (2.2.1ef)
Introduction to the session benefiting from networking and cooperation (2.3.1m)
Exploration of the intersections between HRM and CGC
Regional education and counselling networks (2.3.3m)
Guidelines for enterprises to design of a fruitful cooperation network (2.3.4m)
List of relevant literature (2.3.5m)
Results of the data collection by the Connect! consortium (2.3.1p)
Regional education and counselling networks (2.3.2p)
Groepsopdracht: evaluation of practice examples to cooperation between HRM and CGC (2.3.1m)
Groepsopdracht: evaluation of the guidelines for enterprises to design a cooperation network for company-based career development (2.3.2f)
Huiswerk instructie (2.3.3f)
Reflectie formulier (2.3.2ef)
Kennistoets (2.3.1.ef)
Kennisvragen (2.3.1.ef)
Session 1 Introduction: Current theories in career guidance and counselling (3.1.1p)
Career Construction Theory (3.1.2p)
Systems Theory Framework (3.1.3p)
Constructivist assessment in career counselling (3.1.1m)
Career construction theory and practice (3.1.2m)
The systems theory framework of career development and counseling: Connecting theory and practice (3.1.3m)
Career counselling and sustainable decent work: Relationships and tensions (3.1.4m)
Career Construction theory. Life portraits (3.1.5m)
List of relevant literature (3.1.6m)
Video: Dr Amber Hughes introduces the theory CCT (3.1.1v)
Video: Mary McMahon at the Society for Vocational Psychology Conference presents the Systems Theory Framework (3.1.2v)
Video: Greenwood Associates reflect about modern and postmodern career counselling (3.1.3v)
Groepsopdracht: Discuss similarities and differences between the two theoretical approaches (3.1.1f)
Huiswerkinstructie (3.1.2f)
Reflectie formulier (3.1.2ef)
Kennistoets (3.1.1f)
Kennisvragen (3.1.1f)
Introduction: Postmodern career assessment tools (3.2.1p)
Career construction interview (3.2.2p)
Career Adaptability (3.2.3p)
My System of Career Influences: tools and the steps (3.2.4p)
Career Construction Interview: the tool (3.2.1m)
Career counseling interview. Life-design counseling manual (book) (3.2.2m)
Career adapt-abilities scale (3.2.3m)
Case study nr.1: Career adapt-abilities scale (3.2.4m)
Examining the structure of the career adapt-abilities scale: The cooperation dimension and a five-factor model (3.2.5m)
My system of career influences: content and steps (3.2.6m)
Case study nr.2: my system of career influences (3.2.7m)
Finding voice through narrative storytelling: An exploration of the career development of young African females with refugee backgrounds (3.2.8m)
Case study nr.3: Career construction with a gay client (3.2.9m)
Case study nr.4: Career Construction Counseling With a Mid-Career Black Man. (3.2.10m)
Case study nr.5: Critical moments in career construction counseling (3.2.11m)
Case study nr.6: Career adapt-abilities scale (3.2.12m)
Case study nr.7: Approaches and strategies for understanding the career development needs of migrants and refugees: the potential of a systems-based narrative approach (3.2.13m)
Video: webinar on career construction interview (3.2.1v)
Video: Career Construction Interview (3.2.2v)
Video: My System of Career Influences (3.2.3v)
Case study analyse (3.2.1f)
Huiswerkinstructie: the tool in practice (3.2.2f)
Reflectie formulier (3.2.2ef)
Kennistoets (3.2.1ef)
Kennisvragen (3.2.1f)
Introduction: Implementing career counseling into SMEs (3.3.1p)
Conclusions and Impact from IO2 Data Collection (3.3.2p)
National survey on the current practices, needs and requirements of experts and professionals in the fields of CGC and HRM in Italy (3.3.1m)
Case study nr.1: understanding changes to move toward the future (3.3.2m)
Case study nr.2: DigitaliseSME Case Study – Digital Transformation in Services (3.3.3m)
Case study nr.3: Ed company (3.3.4m)
Case study nr.5: Casillo group (3.3.5m)
Case study nr.5: Zanardi coop story (3.3.6m)
Video: the story of a SME and one about the description of the digital enabler are presented
Case study nr.1-2: Understanding changes to move toward the future (3.3.1f)
Case study nr.3: Ed company (3.3.2f)
Case study nr.4: Casillo group (3.3.3f)
Case study nr.5: Zanardi coop story (3.3.4f)
Huiswerkinstructie: a local scenario (3.3.5f)
Reflectie formulier (3.3.2ef)
Kennistoets (3.2.1ef )
Kennisvragen (3.3.1ef )
Introduction and understanding of the relevance of CGC in the changing world of work (4.1.1p)
Knowing basic definitions of CGC and other “innovative” concepts (4.1.2p)
Knowing basic aspects of HRD (4.1.3p)
Intersections between CGC and HRD in enterprises (4.1.4p)
Typical cases of intersection between CGC and HRD (4.1.5p)
Linking Unit 4 to Unit 3: material 0 (4.1.0m)
Introduction: material 1 (4.1.1m)
Career Guidance & Counselling - Definitions: material 2 (4.1.2m)
Context of CGC: material 3 (4.1.3m)
Lines of Development in CGC: material 4 (4.1.4m)
Lines of development in HRD: material 5 (4.1.5m)
Intersections of professional counselling and HRD: material 6 (4.1.6m)
Intersections – Table with Examples: material 7 (4.1.7m)
Cases: material 8 (4.1.8m)
Summary of session (4.1.9m)
Voorbereidende opdracht (4.1.0f)
Final thoughts and homework (4.1.6p)
Why CGC is more relevant today (4.1.1.f)
Changes in CGC (4.1.2f)
Links between HRD to CGC (4.1.3f)
Examples of intersection between CGC and HRD (4.1.4f)
Huiswerkinstructie (4.1.5f)
Kennistoets (4.1.1ef )
Kennisvragen (4.1.1ef )
Introduction (4.2.1p)
Reflection individual selfhood in biographical/historical context (4.2.2p)
Counselling for specific groups – principles and attitudes (4.2.3p)
Reflection on exercises and examples (4.2.4p)
Low qualified and low skilled: the need for context sensitive careers support (4.2.1m)
Promoting an Age-Inclusive Workforce (4.2.2m)
Selling diversity to white men - How disentangling economics from morality is a racial and gendered performance (4.2.3m)
Career and Lifestyle Planning in Vocational Rehabilitation Settings (4.2.4m)
List with further reading suggestions for Unit 4 Session 2 (4.2.5m)
Summary of Session (4.2.6m)
Voorbereidende opdracht (4.2.0m)
Groepsopdracht groep A: Counselling Low-Skill Workers (4.2.1f)
Groepsopdracht groep C: Counselling for Diversity (4.2.3f)
Groepsopdracht groep D: Counselling Employees with Disability (4.2.4f)
Reflectie formulier (4.2.2ef)
Kennistoets (4.2.1f)
Kennisvragen (4.2.1f)
Brainstorming, aims and content (4.3.1p)
Introduction, approaches and methods (4.3.2p)
Group work and reflection (4.3.3p)
Closing thoughts (4.3.4p)
Homework and resources (4.3.5p)
Career guidance in communities (4.3.1m)
Group work 1: Counselling provider “employer counselling” within the public employment service (PES) in Germany (4.3.2m)
Group work 2 Counselling provider “chambers of industry and commerce respectively handicrafts” in Germany (4.3.3m)
Counselling provider “Company value: human” in Germany (4.3.4m)
Group Work 3 - Counselling provider “Company value: human” in Germany (4.3.4m)
Group Work 4 - Training provider with the project “Qualification networks” in Germany (4.3.5m)
Summary of Session (4.3.6m)
Groepsopdracht (4.3.1f)
Huiswerkinstructie (4.3.2f)
Reflectie formulier (4.3.2ef)
Kennistoets (4.3.1ef)
Kennisvragen (4.3.1ef)
Overview of Change Management and discussion of main theories (5.1.1p)
Exploring the Relationship between Organization Development and Change Management (5.1.1m)
Models of and approaches to organizational change (5.1.2m)
From mechanism to virtue: Evaluating Nudge theory (5.1.3m)
Critical theory and the management of change in organizations (5.1.4m)
Reading suggestion: Making sense of change management
Oefening 1 (5.1.1f) Answering some opened question about Change Management (CM) and Organizational Development (OD)
Oefening 2 (5.1.2f) Reflecting on how resistance may manifest on each of the eight stages of Kotter’s model
Huiswerkinstructie (5.1.3f)
Reflectie formulier (5.1.2ef)
Kennistoets (5.1.1ef)
Kennisvragen (5.1.1ef)
Learning about and analysing the steps of the change cycle (5.2.1p)
Needs Assessment. Frequently Asked Questions (5.2.1m)
Need Assessment: Steps to Success (5.2.2m)
Need Assessment: Tools and Techniques (5.2.3m)
Secrets of successful change implementation (5.2.4m article)
Restructuring (5.2.5m)
How do you know whether change is working (5.2.6m)
Evolution of the PDCA cycle (5.2.7m)
Additional reading
Oefening 1 (5.2.1f) Reflecting on what problems could arise if the needs assessment analysis is skipped when planning for change
Oefening 2 (5.2.2f) Reflecting on how good leadership is important in achieving successful change results
Oefening 3 (5.2.3f) Completing open-ended questions about different types of change
Huiswerkinstructie (5.2.4f)
Reflectie formulier (5.2.2ef)
Kennistoets (5.2.1ef)
Kennisvragen (5.2.1e)
CGC work within organizations and the change cycle (5.3.1p)
Advancing the career counseling profession: Objectives and strategies for the next decade (5.3.1m)
Career management: The role of career counsellors in building strategic partnerships between individuals and their employers (5.3.2m)
Importance of Understanding the Context and Self-reflecting (5.3.3m)
How culture affects how people perceive, define, and act on issues concerning wor k (5.3.4m)
Infusing culture in career counselling (5.3.5m)
What is Culture? A Compilation of Quotations (5.3.6m)
Huiswerkinstructie (5.3.1f)
Reflectie formulier (5.3.2ef)
Kennistoets (5.3.1ef)
Kennisvragen (5.3.1ef)
Groepsopdracht groep C: Counselling for Diversity (4.2.3f) ►